
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So fill your head with what's important and be done with all the rest

Hola hola!

Wednesdays are college-free from now on, yeah! So I stayed in bed until three in the afternoon and finally took a shower at four. When it was about four thirty, Eric and I decided to try to take some pics, even though the sun was already starting to set. It was the first time we took pics in Utrecht outside and we found some very cool spots! We didn't really have much time of course and most of the pics were too dark or not really sharp. I tried to light up some of the too-dark ones and that's why they're kinda pixelated, but I actually like the effect haha.
Now I really need to do my homework, Eric already told me a thousand times I should finish it. So I will.

During the ''shoot'', some cute little girls walked by and Eric took this photo :)

Have a nice evening! Or morning, or afternoon or whatever time it is where you are and when you're reading this. Make it nice.



Sunday, November 27, 2011

In the midst of winter I found there was within me an invincible summer

Heyyy all :)

I just moved in to my new room in Utrecht! Yesterday my parents brought me here with all my stuff and we managed to put everything in the wardrobes and bookcases that were already here. A little bit later my sister came over and in the evening Eric arrived to stay for the weekend. It feels really awesome to have my own place! Eric will leave again tomorrow morning, I guess then the loneliness will come.. luckily I've got a few nice home mates :)
The painting you can see the in the pictures below, I made at home a few days ago. It matches really nicely with the couch haha.

So here's me and my new room!

Have a nice week everyone.



Wednesday, November 16, 2011

There will be sand in your pockets and nothing on your mind


Last week(end) I've been all over the country! (; Wednesday I had my last exam in Utrecht and went to Eric in Leeuwarden afterwards. Friday we went to a housewarming in Leiden and saturday we were in Lelystad. Sunday I went to my sisters' house in Amsterdam. We made pizza and watched tv. Monday I went back to Utrecht for the first day of the new block.
And the thing is... this weekend I'm gonna do it all over again! Okay, not the entire weekend of course, but I've got another housewarming party this friday in Leiden and the next day I'll be going to visit Eric again in Leeuwarden.

It's getting sooo cold the last few days. I can hardly understand that just one and a half week ago it was still 18 degrees celsius! That's why I picked this title for the blogpost, it's from such a nice song and makes me think of summer and well.. sun. Something I really miss at the moment! I'll put the video somewhere down here in this post.

Here's an outfit again (and yes, it was COLD) :

-this is not the official video, but that one had an advertisement and this one doesn't haha. So it's Josh Pyke - The Summer. Enjoy.-



Friday, November 11, 2011

the art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things

Hey lovelies,

I'm at my boyfriends' house at the moment, he's at school. Yesterday I went to his school with him, because he had a performance (he's studying to be a musician) and I took a shitload of pictures! More than 550, in less than three hours. Some of them turned out reaally good, but I'm gonna wait till I get home (tomorrow) to sort them out and maybe post some of them on my blog :)
It was a nice day all together and I've heard some awesome music.
This evening we're going to a housewarming party of a friend of mine and tomorrow is another birthdayparty, so the weekend will be pretty nice!
Right now I'm trying to find a way to get all the money I need for my new room in Utrecht, because I'll need to pay a surety as well and together with the rent it's waaay more than I can afford at the moment. But it'll be okay in the end, it always is.

Here's some pics Eric took during the break yesterday:

That's it for today, hope you have wonderful weekend!



Monday, November 7, 2011

the only journey is the journey within

Hello everyone!

After more than a month, I really (reallyreally) needed to update my blog! It's not just that I'm busy with my study, it's also just laziness. And I must say lack of sunshine doesn't improve the pictures, so I don't often feel like taking them. But two days ago the sun was actually shining brightly and happily and me and my boyfriend had little photoshoot again!
Lately I've been shopping quit a lot, so in the next few posts and this one, there's a lot of new stuff. For example, the high-waist jeans I'm wearing in this post, are new! Also the shoes and the bag, as you've seen in the post before.

And I've got some awesome news! I finally found a room in Utrecht, where I study. It's temporarily, til may 5th, but it gives me plenty of time to find another one. And I'm really happy to have a place to live in Utrecht for now!
My study is going well as well, I did the first few assignments well and my exams aren't too difficult. Next week the next block starts and I'm curious how it'll be.

Anyway, I'm gonna try to update more often again from now on!
Here's the photo's from last saturday:

While we were taking the pics, a man walked by with his puppy and the cutie was all happy and jumping around. I took a few photo's in like, ten seconds and this one was actually nice and sharp! He looks so cute, I have to show you:

And some nail-swatches from the last month: (catrice, etos, essence)

I hope you've all had a nice month as well! Have a nice week!

