Hello everyone!
After more than a month, I really (reallyreally) needed to update my blog! It's not just that I'm busy with my study, it's also just laziness. And I must say lack of sunshine doesn't improve the pictures, so I don't often feel like taking them. But two days ago the sun was actually shining brightly and happily and me and my boyfriend had little photoshoot again!
Lately I've been shopping quit a lot, so in the next few posts and this one, there's a lot of new stuff. For example, the high-waist jeans I'm wearing in this post, are new! Also the shoes and the bag, as you've seen in the post before.
And I've got some awesome news! I finally found a room in Utrecht, where I study. It's temporarily, til may 5th, but it gives me plenty of time to find another one. And I'm really happy to have a place to live in Utrecht for now!
My study is going well as well, I did the first few assignments well and my exams aren't too difficult. Next week the next block starts and I'm curious how it'll be.
Anyway, I'm gonna try to update more often again from now on!
Here's the photo's from last saturday:

While we were taking the pics, a man walked by with his puppy and the cutie was all happy and jumping around. I took a few photo's in like, ten seconds and this one was actually nice and sharp! He looks so cute, I have to show you:

And some nail-swatches from the last month: (catrice, etos, essence)

I hope you've all had a nice month as well! Have a nice week!