
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happiness never decreases from being shared

 Hi guys!

I'm in a happy mood. The kind of happy mood where you want to dance around all day in your pyjamas. The sing-out-loud, dance-in-the-bus, smile-at-all-strangers, want-to-hug-everyone kind of happy. The let's-stay-in-bed-all-day, bake-pancakes-for-the-entire-neighbourhood kind of happy. You know? Yeah. It rocks. Not that I'm actually gonna bake pancakes for the entire neighbourhood though (sorry neighbours, maybe some other time!). I'm gonna go to the gym again today, I've decided to go every other day and untill now it's been going great! I'm actually look forward to it -> makes me happy. So much happy, I can't take it. Please have some of my happiness, they say happiness never decreases from being shared. So, have some! Yay!

These pictures where taken on the roof of my house, it was freezing, but awesome. The blazer I'm wearing is from a little shop in Utrecht, called Bonita as I recall (I'm not sure, though). The shirt is from New Yorker and the pink corduroy pants are H&M. And the booties, don't remember the name of the shop, sorry!

 wanted to take a moonwalk-picture, but I fell over all of the time. haha

 yay, finally! Moonwalk picture!

 & le boyfriend :)

That's it for today, I hope your day is as awesome as mine.



Monday, January 14, 2013

Face it. You are LOVED.

Goooood morning!

How has your weekend been? Do you also sometimes have this thing where on monday you can't remember what you did on saturday? I do... haha. I do still remember what I did yesterday: went to the gym and worked on a paper I have to finish at the end of the month. Not very exiting. I keep dreaming about summer and going on mayor holidays and see the world and stuff and ahhh! I can't wait for the day I have a shit-ton of money and can travel everywhere I want. I'm afraid this day is still very far away, though :( Right now I've only got just about enough money to get groceries for the rest of the month. Guess that's part of being a student. And that when I'm done writing my paper (and many other papers) and have my diploma, I'll get to that shit-ton of money a lot easier ;)

In these pictures I'm wearing a H&M blouse, Pull&Bear studded shorts, Van Haren studded shoes and the necklace I got on ebay (search for 'spike necklace' or something, there's a lot of necklaces like these to find!)

Have a nice week. Make it a great one :)



Friday, January 11, 2013

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right

 Hiii guys!

I'm trying to get motivated and disciplined about working out. Right now I go to the gym about two, three times a week (mostly twice though), but it's clearly not enough. I've been doing this for a year now and nothing has changed :( I think I should go four times a week, every week, no excuses. And eat better (writing this down while eating a piece of chocolate. haha..) and healthier. I know these are the most cliche new years resolutions, but I guess they're cliche for a reason? Half of the time I think 'I should get a personal trainer, work out every day, never eat sugar again!' and the other half I think 'I should be happy with myself the way I am, I will accept my body the way it is.'. Both don't work out for me at the moment, I'll find a way in between. I guess. I hope. Jeez. ;)

The velvet peplum top I'm wearing in these pictures is from New Look and the silver glitter-skirt is from H&M.

And this guy right here is my new photographer slash boyfriend :)

Have a very nice weekend! :)



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sorry for the hold-up

So guys... long time no see! It has been a few months since my last update and lots has changed. I needed some extra room in my head, so I put a little pause on the blogging :) Not long after my last post my ex-boyfriend and I broke up after a relationship of more than three years. We're still friends now, so no problem here, but still it has been a big change for me. Also, I moved back into Utrecht (yayyy!) and I'm living there with four friends from my hometown. I'm really happy to be back here and I can see my friends more often now. And last but not least, I'm in a new relationship! Maybe my boyfriend will take my outfit-pictures in the future, who knows ;)

I'd like to update you a little, with a few photo's from the last months. Some of its quality is quite crappy, bit ey deal with it. Haven't taken any serious DSLR-photo's, just some with my phone and stuff :) It's gonna be a shitload of pictures, enjoy!

Went an Owl City concert, it was a last minute decision and it was AWESOME!

My new room!

... and my new closet :)

an outfit with my new velvet peplum top!

another one, same top :)

my NYE's dress!

another outfit

little shopping spree at H&M :)

outfit with my new blouse and corduroy pants from H&M (and I cut my hair shorter)

hugging an elephant at V&D yay

most recent face-picture :)

outfit from yesterday, with new blouse and new glitter-skirt! (I always want to wear ALL of my new clothes at once. All of it. Everyday.)

And finally, it's me with my boyfriend at NYE :) 

Now I hope you hadn't forgotten about me yet and I will try to update soon again! 
Have yourself a very nice week. Enjoy :) 

