I've got 3 new followers, I feel awesome now. So, thanks.
8DThis morning I cleaned up my bedroom and -HURRAY- I can see the colour of my floor again! For weeks it was covered with clothes, pictures, maps, magazines(my addiction. I'm thinking about selling them all, the pile of magazines is about one metre high), make-up and shoes. During the process I decided I should sell even more then just the magazines. For all the Dutch:
DIT is mijn marktplaats ! Met shirtjes en een bloemetjesblazer en een tuniek. Van H&M, Jane Norman, Bershka etc. Dus red een mens in nood en neem ze van mij over (:
een paar items:

So now, the outfits. Because of the lack of photo's last week, today I'll post today's and yesterday's outfit.


And some new stuff (hope you don't mind the poor quality):
Fake leather jacket
Crystal Castles shirt
Nailpolish! When the sun shines ''on it'', the glitters are not blue, but green. I like.
That's it for today again. Gotta go to bed now (;