
Saturday, October 23, 2010

it's the bass

Outfit of the day.. no skirt or dress or shorts for once!

and yesterday I watched the last episode of Flash Forward
buhuhh.. there's no season 2 :'(
poor me.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Innocence gone, never take friendship personal

Yay, I'm feeling better already. Not entirely yet, but we're on track ;p
So it's time again for another outfit of the day, here it is:

with my New Yorker opentoe ankleboots (:
& a picture I took of my boyfriend for school. We had to take photographs of movements and I think this is the best I made:

& one of my father, we just had a small sort of 'photoshoot'. Even though it's underexposed, this one's my fav:

I think all the pics in blogspot are made so small! Even when you choose the biggest size. So you'll just have to click on them, if you want to see them the way they are supposed to be ;)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I wonder if you were aware how much you rock my boat

I think I'm down with the flu :(
Anybody some great suggestions to get rid of the soar throat?

Anyway, what I'm wearing today (in fact I wore it yesterday as well, but I slept at my boyfriends' tonight and I didn't bring any other clothes) :

& yesterday I made some cupcakes with my boyfriend, they are sooo sweet (probably because we put way too much icing on them, but it makes it look so cute)! They've got bigass chunks of chocolate and caramel in it, hmm. I think it's quite funny actually, my boyfriend didn't mind we put pink ''princess'' icing on our muffins haha.

and I thought I'd show my face again, in case you forgot it, you know.

I also re-discovered some good music, Incubus! I listened to them about four/five years ago and I forgot all about them, what a shame.
These songs are my favs:
Hope you enjoy it ;)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award! (:

I'll write this in English, so non-Dutch people can actually read it too ;]

So, Claudia ( nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! :D

Award Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (in no particular order…)
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.

1: done
2: 7 things about myself, huh..:

I - I make rythms with my teeth, sometimes I don't even notice I'm doing it, but to others it looks ridiculous

II - When I get to warm, emotionaly stressed or oppressive, I pass out. That's why I don't wear cardigans very often. ;)

III - I hate it so wear an outfit I've worn before, it makes me feel unspecial and sometimes even slightly ugly. In fact that's quite pathetic, but okay haha

IV - I've got a slight crush on every boy with an afro or just alot of curls

V - I don't have any pretty pyjamas, my favourite one is pink with blue dots and happy-looking bears and it's really got thousands of holes in it. It has been my sisters' , who is 29 now.

VI - I'm addicted to Flash Forward and I always watch it with my boyfriend. When an episode has ended, I look at him with the biggest puppy-eyes I have, so hopefully he'll give in and watch another episode with me :)

VII - I love to search for artists who are still quite unknown (in the Netherlands at least, I don't know anything 'bout other countries of course ;p). This month I've got a concert of Crystal Castles I'm going to and I can't wait :D

3: Who I nominate (just 10, couldn't reach 15) :











So much for the awards! I've got to get dressed now, still in the pyjamas described in V. ;)


Saturday, October 9, 2010

autumn isn't so bad

some pics I took today:

en foto's van mij gemaakt, door Claudia (, staat ook op bovenstaande foto :)

Als de zon zo blijft schijnen, kan 't mij niks schelen dat de zomer voorbij is!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

all good things are wild and free

What am I wearing today?

-sjaal zit een beetje gek op de laatste foto, maar ik moest snel voor de zelftimer springen, anders was ik te laat haha-


Lights, lights, lights

Some homemade lightstocks :)
Kan je over je plaatje heen doen en dan op Soft Light/Screen/Multiply zetten (als je PSP gebruikt, ik weet niet hoe die namen allemaal zijn bij Photoshop ;p)
Eerste twee zijn negatief, vond ik wel een leuk effect!


Sunday, October 3, 2010

it feels like summers on its way, but it's mid november

Ja, ik dacht, laat ik beginnen met de meest charmante foto's. Van mij en m'n vriend.
Sexy he?

Gister was ik op een startdag van Sporting Foto Nederland, een bedrijf waarvoor ik wil gaan werken! Je fotografeerd dan sportteams. Er werd vooral op elkaar geoefend. Dit is een van mijn eerste oefen-foto's:

En deze is een oefen-foto van een ander, die oefende op mij ;) (check die happy face)

Ik heb ook een betere foto van mijn outfit van gisteren! Deze stond op m'n andere camera en stond nog niet op de computer ;)

En de outfit of today:

plus vestje:

shirt, ondershirtje en rokje; h&m, vestje: vero moda, laarzen: dolcis

Friday, October 1, 2010

we can grow vegetables underneath the skylight

lot's of new stuff!
ah well, niet zo ontzettend veel, maar voor mijn doen wel. Voor iemand die chronisch blut is, no matter welk inkomen ik heb :)

new boots :D overknees, suede, van de Dolcis. €50,- (extra punten als je de donald duck bubbelblaas spot)

Kanten jurkje, €30 euro van de wonder woman. Ik vind daar altijd alles ordinair en lelijk, maar dit jurkje moést ik hebben, ik heb al tijden op zoek naar een kanten jurkje die NIET doorschijnt :D

Kniekousjes van de Bristol, 5 euro geloof ik.

Laarsjes van de New Yorker. Ze waren eerst iets van 30 of 25 euro ofzo, maar ze waren afgeprijsd naar €19,95, dus ik dacht: die moet ik hebben! Maar het was nog mooier, de cassière las het prijsje verkeerd en ik heb ze gekocht voor €9,95. Lucky day 8D
En dan de outfit of the day, lekker crappy foto, maar liever een crappy foto dan geen foto :)

en voor iedereen die gisteravond Oh Oh Cherso heeft gekeken..
Zou je sokken dragen als je geen voeten had?